Friday 30 March 2007

How are you?

There are different ways to say "How are you?". Listen to the recording below.


Anonymous said...

we are from basic 6 in cultura inglesa, rio de janeiro. We listened to this and it was funny.
visit us at
upload photos (only the girls, please)
x o x o x
action 6 group.

Dennis said...

Oí, Ana María and students.

I agree with the Action 6 group: the "Howya doin'?" recording was really funny! It reminded me of another variation on "How are you?" that people in the southern U.S. sometimes use. It sounds a little like this: "Yall raht?" and 'translates' to 'You all right?' Although it means the same thing as "How are you?," I didn't know that when I first heard it. I thought someone was asking me if I was sick!

You can listen to this greeting by clicking here.

Dennis in Phoenix
(an English teacher and a colleague of your teacher)

Ana Maria Menezes said...

Hello Students from Cultura Rio and Dennis,
Thanks for your comments. I´m going to invite our students to visit your blog too.
Thanks for inviting us.